Ep15tane. tuokrow teerts rof noissap a emaceb yllautneve dna rab latnoziroh elpmis a tsuj htiw detrats strops htiw yenruoj yM . Ep15tane

<b>tuokrow teerts rof noissap a emaceb yllautneve dna rab latnoziroh elpmis a tsuj htiw detrats strops htiw yenruoj yM </b>Ep15tane Looking to run my second cycle in 6 weeks! Right after my vacation

5 years I have been very active in my life time but right I can bench press more than ever. BP, liver, estro, etc. COMThat's what us married men do it for right there!! Yep, gotta get the wife excited!I just wrapped up my first cycle of Osta + 4-Andro. . Stats: 33 years old 6'0 186 lbs roughly 15% bf I am going for a lean bulk, expectations are to keep my BF roughly the same and. question is what would be best - cycle 6 weeks 30mg a day or 45mg 5 weeks? i knocked a week off 45mg as i was a bit unsure of sides at that dose, what do people thinkHey guys, beginning of December i am going to be running my first PH cycle, i was set in stone on the perfect ep15tane cycle by Olympus labs, i almost pulled the trigger on it but then i heard about eli smash by blackstone, it has 6 chloro in it and also epistle but only 10mg. . Given it is a DHT derivative, it excels at increasing strength and creating very. If you are a first timer, there is no need to stack several compounds. I would either be doing. Update your log. I'm coming to the pointy end of my 'research' and decision to proceed with my first PH cycle. I started my first cycle consisting of test 250 and tren. . This together with a full line of hair and not a developed muscularity makes me think I don't have. Try their best selling supplements now and see why OL is a leader in supplementation. . Vital labs Post cycle 3x from strongsupplementsshop 5. Hi guys, I'm starting an epistane perfect cycle and can't get my hands on SERM legally. I have a lot of friends who love their stuff as well, so I would definitely say legit. Starting PCT with Nolva and Sup3r PCT starting tomorrow for 4 weeks. Was initially going to stack it with trenazone but have very mild gyno and didn't want to deal with that and the additional sides Cycle: Ep15tane: 30/45/45/45/45/45 Ar1micare pro Taurine at suggested daily dose glucosamine, multi, and fish oil PCT: Nolva: 20/20/10/10 Super PCT: immediately. Epistane also shows anti-estrogenic effects meaning it may also reduce estrogen while on cycle. You’ll see an increase in sex drive. The fuel is approved for all cars 2001 and newer. what do you guys think. Stats: 33 years old 6'0 186 lbs roughly 15% bf I am going for a lean bulk, expectations are to keep my BF roughly the same and put on and KEEP. 24 . Le. Stats- 6'0 178 about 10-12%BF. Havoc is a good gainer that is alot less harsh. For the past week though, I've been bloated - is this common. -6 week cycle 30/45/45/45/45/45 -Running along with cycle support, fish oil, mulit, creatine, BA PCT -Nolva 20/20/10/10 -DAA 3/3/3/3 I've been doing some more research and almost every post I can find about a solo 6 week. EP15TANE, being completely non-estrogenic, offers an ideal composition to maximize strength and lean mass gains, with minimal side effects such as lethargy or gyno. . With a OTC pct and some forma DAA. Just thought I would share my results, so newbies and first timers like myself know what. Ok. . Right now here is my plan: On Cycle weeks 1-6 EP15TANE olympus labs: 30/45/45/45/45/45 cel cycle assist: 4/4/4/4/4/4 pct: weeks 7-10 sup3r pct: 4/4/4/4- has test booster in. I will keep a 4000kcal diet - 4500kcal. I personally have never used anything in their line but I will eventually. Supplement Forum Supplement Logs Company Promos Supplement Deals Supplement Companies Nutrition Forum Weight Loss Forum Training Forum Pro Bodybuilding Forum Natural Bodybuidling Anabolic Forum Anti-Aging Forum. Help on this Tren Cycle? (TR3N) Hello guys, this will be my first PH cycle and I've looked around on the forum and seen many different logs of users that ran TR3N and stacked it with EP15TANE but since this is only my first cycle, I plan on only sticking with TR3N since it's a non-methylated. I will do my best to do updates as I work 50+ hours a week and starting a new business. . . . Dec 16, 2014. 6 weeks tr3st/ep15tane or 6 weeks tr3st/tr3n? Started my Ep15tane Cycle today from Olympus labs. #2. I have been researching PHs forever and finally decided on a first cycle and BOOM they get banned LOL but not before I bought 1 bottle of Trest and 2 bottles of Epi that I kinda been sitting on for the last month. . FURAZA-300 by Olympus Labs is rated as the top cutting prohormone here at Olympus Labs. See moreAvailability: Out of Stock. It will be a lean and dry gain in muscle mass. I found a source that had a bottle (120x 15mg) for a decent price so I gave it a go. . Location: Ephrata, Pennsylvania, United States. ForumsSubbed Hey bro dont get to worried about your chest. What are you planning for your next cycle? I think I may try tr3st and epistane myself, maybe the aromatising properties of one would work well with the anti estrogenic affects of the other. So its been a while since I used a PH but am planning one for summer/fall and would like to hear what everyone thinks. With the. Search titles only. Shop Now - NutriverseHi Guys, I just came off a run of 8 weeks ARA/Alphamax/ABE , It was great and I gained some solid lean muscle. Hey guys, I joined this forum a while ago and always just sneaked around but I'm finally ready to make a post haha. 22 yrs old, 12-13 percent bf. . The FXC is very close to the traditional Grand Concert proportions. 52 years old 1st ever cycle EP15TANE. Milk thistle and NAC for the liver. But just got a hold of some tr3n, and wonder what would be the better choice here. 5. Supplement News Training News Nutrition News Weight Loss News Research News Mens Health New Recipes Contest News. Buy Olympus Labs Ep15tane Anabolic Prohormone for Muslce Gains from Predator Nutrition. As title says, Dosing will be as follows: 30mg for 6 weeks PCT will include: HCGenerate Arimidex/Letro (if needed) Clomid/Nolva for PCT (will use nolva if I see any gyno) Life support throughout the cycle (let me know if there are better alternatives) Minoxidil/Azelaic acid to fight hair. On Cycle I am taking Fish Oil Ep15tane 30/45/45/45/45/45 Joint Support Blockade On Cycle Defense Bronson Vitamins Milk Thistle (125. This has caused some people to mistakenly. The Gear: Celtic Labs Trestobol: 50-60/60/70/70/80/80 RPN HAVOC/ Olympus Ep15tane: 30/40/40/45/45/45 Black Lion Formeron: 0/100/100/100/100/100 So the havoc will be run at a steady 40mg for the most part. So, free from work today, so why not plan my summer cycle? Never did tr3n before, but got a bottle in my closet, and want to use this for my summer cycle. Home. packed on about 10lbs from start to finish. Well just finished my epistane cycle. Thinking about taking a cycle just dont know where to start I'm 24years old been working out for 2 years and wanna see huge gains but dont know where to start. At 5'11, 148lbs for most my life(24) i feel i needed an edge to break my 158 max that falls off quicker than i put on. I am considering EP15TANE Perfect. Excellent feedback control with a true and warm acoustic tone. I will be running. I have 3 previous cycles under my belt. Menu. It would be a six week cycle with dosing at 30/30/30/45/45/45 for Ep15tane and 60/60/60/90/90/90. ForumsEP15TANE: 30/30/30/30/30/30 AR1MACARE PRO: 2/3/3/3/3/3 Fish Oil Taurine Joint support PCT SERM. TRENSCEND with TR3N, If you are looking for extreme hardness, strength, and muscle gains sprinkled with the reduction of overall bodyfat– look no. basically 6 weeks at 60mg. Anabolics. I read somewhere that 20mg a day is good enough to save muscle but considering I would be taking one pill a day. With help from user g0hardorgohom ive got my cycle to: - EP15TANE 30/45/45/45/45/45 (6 weeks in. €39. Epi starts to really shine towards week 3-4 so running 6 weeks would be ideal. there are people who have ordered in january that have not received their order yet. I wish I had enough time to devote to keeping a full log as some of the guys on here, but my days are slammed so a brief overview will have to suffice. Mar 23, 2016. I'm 45 and been lifting for over 10 years. So i'll do my first cycle in july : I have EP15TANE + AR1MACARE PRO + omega 3 , week 1-6 30/45/45/45/45/45 For the PCT , i have SUP3R PCT + Nolva 20/20/10/10 week 6-10 My goal is to gain some muscles ofc , but i'd like to get really lean ( i'm at 10% bf atm ) , so people advice me to stack. This is my 6 weeks plan 1,90cm, 91kg, 4 workouts a week. TR3N by OlympusUK 90ct. Much of this stack has. is this epi legit?because i i cant find eP15tane olympus labs which my best friend told me tha is super,,, and i will run my first ph cycle with brawn epi . I have Olympus Labs EP15TANE (yes, real epistane not Epiandro). Is there any preference between DermaStrength vs Str3ngth? I plan on taking buying one bottle of Ep1c and taking 1 cap a. 95. . 0. I ran: EP15TANE - 30/45/45/45/45/45 EP1C AR1MACARE PRO with some other ancillaries. . I've been on and off due to some injuries and have currently been active and serious for one year now. Started by Dcbeast; Sep 20, 2015; Replies: 4;Core Labs X EPI Rx. This time I am bulking and using Sup3r-4 Elite as a base. Some of the products such as ep15tane perfect cycle by Olympus labs, furaza-300 perfect cycle by Olympus labs, tr3n perfect cycle by Olympus labs, ep15tane and tr3n shredd3d stack by Olympus labs, spawn stack by Olympus labs etc are very popular products that the company provides to the people all over the world. . May 5, 2016. . Estrogen levels will decrease Muscle Endurance will increase. I train 3x a week intense full body with weights squats then bench then rows or stiff leg deads and then isolation excercises. I think this cycle as a first time! What do you think? 1week Ar1micare 2week Ar1micare 3week Ar1micare + Ep15tane 30mg 4week Ar1micare + Ep15tane 45mg 5week Ar1micare + Ep15tane 45mg 6week Ar1micare + Ep15tane 45mg 7week Ar1micare + Ep15tane 45mg 8week Ar1micare + Ep15tane 45mg 9week Sup3r PCT. last summer I did my first epistane solo cycle and had incredible gains. I am going to do a recomp on a slight surplus using carb back loading protocol and have either OL ep15stane or halo100 on hand. 1 review. I am looking to start a solid pro hormone cycle as a part of my contest prep. 5'11 82KG Been lifting for about 2-3 years only about 1 and half years serious. Olyimpus labs w/pics: Cycle Logs: 18: Apr 28, 2014: Similar threads. . EP15TANE, being completely non-estrogenic, offers an ideal composition to maximize strength and lean mass gains, with minimal side effects such as lethargy or gyno. I'm just about to start my last week of PCT and still feeling pretty good. I read about ph/steroids since i am 25. Take some liver supplements and get plenty of water. Can't find ep15tane or halo-100 in the U. Shows anabolic-androgenic action, Aimed at initiating anabolism, Limited androgenic effect, Supports the growth of muscle tissue, Reduces the amount of fat, Supports the development of dry hard muscle mass. I think Within the first few days to a week, I saw strength gains already and about a 5-6lb increase in weight. . My first run on epi was great. It’s recommended that if you’re in a cutting cycle, you stack Olympus Labs Tr3n with Olympus Labs Ep15tane, and if you’re in a bulking phase, stack it with Olympus Labs Stenabol. just wondering im currently using etsrastain wich is Estra-4,911-triene-3,17-dione 15 mg 2a-3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol 10 mg been taking three caps a day just wanted to know if i can use 5 alpha around the end of cycle to. Looking to run my second cycle in 6 weeks! Right after my vacation. Just. In the body this ketone will be readily hydrolysed by 17b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 5 (17b-HSD5) into the active form, trenbolone. Add to bag. I've never been much in shape and my usual bf has been around 23-25. Thread starter riko42; Start date Feb 10, 2015; riko42 New member. feeling tired. I ran 2 8 week cycles of Ep15tane by Olympus last year and saw dramatic growth both times. ForumsHey guys, After my cycle with Ep15tane with Tr3st i want to start a new one. Menu. I'm 5'9 about 185-190 around 12%bf I have 180 caps of endura shred 10mg ostarine and 7mg cardarine each and 100 caps of m1t by bodyconsious at 7. Menu. com EP15TANE+AR1MACARE PRO for 1-4 week , then SUP3R PCT + Nolva 4-8 week + maybe DAA/other test booster. Olympus Labs EP15TANE is an anabolic and androgenic chemical containing 2a,3a-epithio17a methyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androstane, a form of Epistane, Havoc or Methylepitiostanol which is a methyl variation of 5α-dihydrotestosterone. . Epistane has long been a powerful prohormone, used mainly in Havoc, a famed supplement. EP15TANE does what it’s supposed to do, that is cut down on excess body fat and at the same time boost protein synthesis to increase muscle mass. No negative sides or anything like that really. The muscle that you gain while you’re using Epistane will actually be muscle. #1. First I am 21 years old, 6 ft, 210 lbs, about 14% BF - Been lifting seriously for over 3 or 4 years I am an easy gainer and. . Been training off/on for the last 25 years. . There are many times when this body of ours gets targeted by numerous things such as bacteria, virus and microorganisms. . My fat is usually on my tits, lower abs, love handles and thighs. It also has great reviews. €47. So far by my research this is what I think is best (i'm a newb so please feel free to correct me): -Ep15tane perfect cycle: +1 bottle of. But this. Got a couple of boxes of a good halodrol clone too, and wondering about stacking these. I'm thinking about running a cutting stack as i want to drop body fat. Home. They even provide the results in a picture, which does in fact show a huge spike in free and serum testosterone levels. . Availability: Out of Stock. I am 29. Androvar from strongsupplementsshop 4. Is Olympus Labs products good? ( like EP15TANE for exemple , which is a steroid ). This will be my third ph cycle (second on epi). com have also based a few stuff out of that. Hi folks new member here been lurking for a month and now that I'm joining the dark side I decided to sign up! Welcome to my cycle log I am 22 years old 183cm/6'0" tall and weigh 195lbs My current lifts are: paused Bench press: 175x10 and 235x1 ATG Squat: 325x1 my all time best was 260x1. I stopped on day 13, it took nearly 2 weeks for everything to get back to normal. It now awaits the President's signature and all prohormones current and future will be controlled substances. And I can say with certanty their products are first class! Got excellent results with the Epi! Menu. I have a couple of questions about the first PH cycle I am going to take. My concern is when my body shuts down its own. . CYCLE Epistane 30/45/45/45/45/45 Tr3st 50/50/75/75/100/100 TD. Age 34 Weight 163 BF 15% Just had blood work done and all is normal. Almost every day someone asks how to stack PH's. I would love to be 185-190@10% though I'm pretty sure that won't happen in this cycle. . I guess age is becoming more of a hurdle. I never cycled. Olympus Labs Ep15tane is a highly anabolic prohormone renowned for producing muscle growth in the form of dry lean mass gains. Today is the first day of my PCT. . News. Epistane Trenavar Cycle. As a DHT derivative, Olympus Labs Ep15tane is known to dramatically increase strength and aggression. Menu. EP15TANE, being completely non-estrogenic, offers an ideal composition to maximize strength and lean mass gains, with minimal side effects such as lethargy or gyno. -Spaz. . My list for the cycle is as follows 1. It will be my second prohormone cycle. Olympus labs Ep15tane from jw supplements 2. . . Is it a good idea to have some kind of test base on this cycle? Or just run them solo?if you're asking about the brand then there's many more reputable brands out there like Olympus, IronFlex, Celtic, etc. Home. I was looking into AR1MACARE pro as the cycle assist. 6'1" 190 lbs ~14% bodyfat Goal is to cut bodyfat percentage while gaining lean mass. I've made a. I am getting ready to purchase a pro hormone but first I want to make sure I am getting the right one. . “EP15TANE”, also made by Olympus Labs, is another popular prohormone. This is my second cycle, previously I did a 6 week Epi cycle and have great results. . So the sales. Yielded decent results. Powerful muscle builders from a brand you can trust | View Online SHOP BY BRAND LATEST PRODUCTS MUSCLE BUILDERS SPORTS NUTRITION LOYALTY PROGRAMME SPECIAL OFFERS Check out this new & powerful range of muscle builders, straight from Olympus Labs – a brand you can trust with proven ingredients at clinical. Definitely helps with what it was made to do. . I am wondering what I should pick up for my. Also, what are all these e-mails I'm receiving regarding a ban on PH's and liquidation sales??? Bro have you not heard? The ban has been passed by both houses of Congress. Ep15tane. Epi looks good, dunno much about Dienazone Cycle Assist 8/day, split up morning/night Inhibit p evenly dosed throughout the day Orange trial looks good Fish oil looks good I would use taurine in conjunction with epi Reduce XT should be dosed first thing when you wake up, 4 hrs after that, then post workout. Hi again, Starting 3rd week. It has a toxicity level of 2 and a strength rating of 9. Hey guys, new to the board and also to PHs i have done my research and i feel comfortable starting a cycle, I hope you guys take me under your wing and help me make put together a good cycle. Forums Subbed Hey bro dont get to worried about your chest. . No base. Add to bag. Btw I'm 29 and 180 and been training for 2 but I am looking. OLYMPUS UK REP. Just an opinion but I would cut out the wide grip work you have been doing ie bench, push ups and the lat pull downs really a lot of unnecessary stress on multiple joints. Other than mk i am 100mg test per week plus hcg as usual and. ForumsHello all. #27. News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to…Whats the supp facts on this. 1 cap Arimicare with 3 caps Cycle assist with breakfast, 2 Arimicare caps with lunch, one arimicare and 3 caps cycle assist with supper. Hey Guys, 45 years old. Epi does work. I'm new to the pH's and just bought EP15TANE and TR3N Shredd3D Stack by Olympus Labs. Takimine | The Hardest Working. I also have to run 2-3 miles and then train for Muay Thai (kickboxing) 2x a week at the minimum. . Hey Everyone, Running a Ep15tane only cycle, Only previous thing I've touched is Finaflex 1-Andro a few years ago with very little success but I attribute that to diet and training. Olimp Gold Omega 3 D3. I have a bottle of Olympus Labs EP15TANE Looking to stack it with something, partially to provide a test base, partially to increase the gainz! I'm looking to do a recomp/lean bulk while taking epistane. . Obviously looking to maintain muscle mass and obtain a very lean and dry physique. Superdrol was alot better for gaining but alot more harsh. And of course serious mass and protein along with a basic pre workout Also the. Which should I take for my first PH cycle? I want to put on 10lbs and increase strength hopefully. I will cut down the trest to 50mg during august but I. Olympus Labs Ep15tane is a highly anabolic prohormone renowned for. Brawn Nutrition EPI 120caps. *will be used for marketing purposes* :) we will replace. Epistane is an orally active designer steroid commonly used to increase physical performance. I ran EP15TANE, AR1MACARE & SUP3R PCT. . Chikara Samurai Geranium. 411 This is caused by the fat-soluble nature of. You’ll learn that inserting random numbers in the names of prohormones is actually very popular. I always carried a little extra there and when I started lifting real hard and getting more toned it actually started to make it stand out more, but only for a short period. The question is which have you used or would recommend. Among it’s benefits: You’ll quickly increase strength You’ll see fuller and harder muscles. What's up all. 5mg EOD Weeks 13-14: Nothing Weeks 15-18: Nolva (40/40/20/20) Weeks 15-18: DAA Pure, Erase, Intimidate SRT I was originally. S. OUT OF STOCK. What Is Epistane? Also known as methylepitiostanol, Epistane is a prohormone. It’s a prohormone which means it increases testosterone levels in your body. Anyways, I am currently in a caloric deficit so obviously my main focus on this cycle is dropping bf while. . FXC Body. It now awaits the President's signature and all prohormones current and future will be controlled substances. TMac26. Home. The first time I used Dermacrine as a base--I had great results on a cut. Awards 0. Nothing out of It atall. . It's no joke at that dose. So I am totally new to the PH world and I will be running my first Epistane cycle. Hey all, I will keep this short. 4. Been running Ep15tane at 30mg/day for a week entering 2nd week now and I was going to take 45mg/day. Menu. I ran my first cycle with OL Ep15tane and loved it (30/45/45/45/45/45). I've done a lot of research and decided to go with a stack of Olympus Labs' Ep15tane and Tr3n. Think i'll start with 20mg first week then go 30mg. This prohormone has the same three conjugated double bonds as trenbolone, and differs from it only in that this hormone has a 17-ketone, where trenbolone has a 17b-hydroxy function. Started with one pill this morning each being 15 mgs will take aanother later on today for a total of 30 mgs. . yeah I dont know what it is, but I responded really well to epi. Sparta Nutrition 4 Glory is a dietary supplement which contains one of potentially the best prohormones, 4-Andro (4 androstene-3b-ol, 17-one), one of the metabolites of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Looks like a successful cycle, I'm always ready for mine to end whenever I go past 5 weeks. Much of this stack has. Increased dry muscle gains. The demands of these Saba age. Supplement Forum Supplement Logs Company Promos Supplement Deals Supplement Companies Nutrition Forum Weight Loss Forum Training Forum Pro Bodybuilding Forum Natural Bodybuidling Anabolic Forum Anti-Aging Forum. . Seems alike other than that but one thing can make a huge difference. 16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019. P. The majority of the other ingredients appear to be fillers to me. Well, real test is not an option for me. Supplement Forum Supplement Logs Company Promos Supplement Deals Supplement Companies Nutrition Forum Weight Loss Forum Training Forum Pro Bodybuilding Forum Natural Bodybuidling Anabolic Forum Anti-Aging Forum. Have used Test E, Var, Old School Prohormones both oral and transdermal from way back in 98-99, and most recently Ive used 1-Andro and 11-Keto w/ formestane. 6 weeks tr3st/ep15tane or 6 weeks tr3st/tr3n? Never tried tr3n before, but wonder if tr3n is better for a cut in march. 20 pounds in 6 weeks. . The goal is low sides, feel good Recomp with dry gains & carb cycling throughout. Should just get a new one but trying to save my upgrade for when the iPhone 6 comes out Am about to start my winter bulk (lean bulk) cycle. And probably some tr3n . Home. . Sept. The compound (Epistane), found in Ep15tane is very anabolic, and great for producing muscle growth in the form of lean. Olympus Labs EP15TANE is an anabolic and androgenic chemical containing 2a,3a-epithio17a methyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androstane, a form of Epistane, Havoc or Methylepitiostanol which is a methyl variation of 5α-dihydrotestosterone. Promotes strength gain. Anti-Aging Discussion. . Im looking for some strong pro hormone that give me mass and testerone. . Currently cutting on 2500-2600 Calories. My list for the cycle is as follows 1. 6 week cycle EP15TANE 30/45/45/45/45/45 LGI damage. Serious Nutrition Solutions Representative. Dec 16, 2014. . Epistane is one of the few hormones that can actually lead to an improvement of dry muscle growth. Posts: 24,588. What PH would be good for my 2nd cycle? I want the basics (lose some body fat and gain. Sorry I don't have more time to devote to a full log; this will have to do at the moment. 162 goal to put on at least 5lbs solid mass will start 6 weeks cycle next monday epi 30/45/45/45/45/45 Lgi damage control 6/6/6/6/6/6 livercare 2 caps ED fish oil 6000 ED orange triad first week 4 and then 6 taurine 3g if needed PCT tamoxifen citrate 20/20/10/10 sup3r. Looks like a successful cycle, I'm always ready for mine to end whenever I go past 5 weeks. trying to plan a cycle for future: RPN havoc- 10/20/20/30 (first cycle) cycle support: cycle assist PCT: nolva 20/20/10/10 AD-3 PCT by lecheek nutrition anything you guys would recommend or change? I'm keeping havoc a bit low since it would. Workout Split: I train every other day --- Chest: Bench or Incline DB --- I do approx 6-8 sets @ 8-10 reps & then 1 accessory exercise like Pec Deck for 3 sets of 15. I think Within the first few days to a week, I saw strength gains already and about a 5-6lb increase in weight. SEER2, or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio 2, is the total heat removed from the conditioned space during the annual cooling season. Awards 2. Dosing - I am planning on dosing at 3 weeks with 7 pumps then 3 weeks at 8 pumps. Life is nothing but big macs and hoes. My fat is usually on my tits, lower abs, love handles and thighs. . ForumsHave a bottle if EP15TANE, and plan on using this for 4-5 weeks The question is I am looking to bridge into one if the following and can't really decided. My main question is, would it be ok to take the elim1nate. . Search titles only. I have liquid nolva on hand but don't think I should use that straight away. Menu. Olympus Labs Ep15tane - Dosages: 30/30/45/45/45/45. I ran ep15tane but also got a bottle of 90 pills @ 10mg that's not open yet. #1 Yes, Epistane, not Sup3r Epi, not Epiandro, Olympus Labs EP15TANE. Hey Guys, 31 years old 5'6" 155 Lbs. I plan on doing this for 6 weeks. Olympus Labs Ep15tane is a highly anabolic prohormone renowned for producing muscle growth in the form of dry lean mass gains. Menu. ThanksEP15TANE Perfect Cycle by Olympus Labs | EP15TANE | Nutri-Verse. hamdysayed Well-known member. I have some Dermacrine left over and would purchase. I'm currently ~200, and lean wanting. From what I read, they seem like a great stack, but. From natural muscle builders, fat burners to cycle support and test boosters. I've ran LGI's Stano twice with excellent results, tho both times the Stano was part of a stack. I'm working on putting together a cutting cycle and need some help. Your doctor will do blood tests to check your vitamin D level before starting treatment with exemastane. So after researching PH I decided to go with Epistane as my first PH. This is my first ever cycle of anabolics and I'm pretty excited. I'm wanting to run my first PH cycle this summer and am looking for quality advice for the whole process. This is the purest, strongest, most potent, largest quantity Trendione Available. Have used Test E, Var, Old School Prohormones both oral and transdermal from way back in 98-99, and most recently Ive used 1-Andro and 11-Keto w/ formestane. Dosage- 20/30/30/40 Liver Support- ProteX Joint Repair- Forged PCT- Post Cycle 3X I would rather get bashed then mess something up. My plans was/is a 6 week epi/tr3st cycle. Home. Answer: The volume of required would be , assuming that both the pentane and the in this question are ideal gases and are under the same temperature and. Is epistane by vital labs the best one?Hey guys about to start my first cycle and my last purchase is Novla going to be using it 20/20/10/10. For my upcoming cycle I will use ep15tane along side Ghar1ne. increased appetite. 04-14-2015, 11:21 AM #7. Well guys I opened a thread one month ago (or even more) asking about LGD and Ostarine After reading the forum and waiting for getting some nolvadex to use during my PCT now I am wondering wich one, between Ep1stane or GH. The profile won't be revealed till a later time. I feel like I have kept what small gains I got. . trying to start an epistane cycle.